Blue Flag
This page provides an overview of the Blue Flag, Badepunkt (Bathing Point), and Vinterbadepunkt (Winter Bathing Point) awards. The three awards give you the opportunity to enjoy a day by the water in a clean and safe environment.

Blue Flag 

Blå Flag logo

The Blue Flag eco-label is a global programme working towards a more sustainable environment on beaches and marinas all over the world. Beaches and marinas with a Blue Flag fulfill a list of criteria covering water quality, safety, environmental management and environmental education and information. 

During the Blue Flag season beaches with a Blue Flag guarantee you:
Clean bathing water, good outdoor facilities, waste facilities, lifesaving and first aid equipment, good toilet facilities and handicap facilities (handicap facilities on at least one beach per municipality). 

During the Blue Flag season marinas with a Blue Flag guarantee you:
Lifesaving and first aid equipment, fire-fighting equipment, good toilet facilities and waste facilities. 
Be aware that it generally is forbidden to swim in Danish marinas! 

Additionally, Blue Flag beaches and marinas offer you information on local eco-systems as well as different activities focused on coastal environment and nature. 

The Blue Flag season for beaches extends from June 1st to September 15th. However, the municipalities can choose to have a shorter season (starting June 1st). The Blue Flag season for marinas extends from May 1st (starting no later than July 1st) until the end of the year. 

The Blue Flag programme is owned by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). The Outdoor Counsil is the national operator of Blue Flag awards in Denmark.

Badepunkt (Bathing Point)


Badepunkt is a Nordic award guaranteeing you clean bathing water and basic facilities for a safe and good bathing experience. 

A Badepunkt is often smaller in size than Blue Flag beaches, and can consist of beaches, lakes, bathing piers and harbour baths. This gives each Badepunkt the opportunity to highlight local characteristics and the area's individual function as an outdoor attraction. 

The season extends from June 1st to September 15th.  However, the municipalities can choose to have a shorter season (starting June 1st).

Vinterbadepunkt (Winter Bathing Point)

Foto: Vinterbadepunkt skilt og nødhjælps kasse

The Vinterbadepunkt award is part of Badepunkt, but offers you the opportunity for a cold dip during winter time! A Vinterbadepunkt offers clean bathing water and basic facilities for a safe and good bathing experience, including lifesaving equipment and basic infrastructure. 

The season extends from September 1st to May 31st.  However, the municipalities can choose to have a shorter season (but not shorter than 3 months).